Care Coordination Plan Essay Example Paper

Care coordination is a crucial component of today’s healthcare field. It is in an attempt to resolve the insurmountable problems that practitioners in this field face. There are concerns about the high costs of care delivery, low quality, and poor health outcomes. As a result of these inadequacies, there is an increase in medical errors, as well as human misery. As a result, care coordination allows the public to gain from a coordinated and recovery-oriented care delivery model to address these issues. This coordination comes from the purposeful planning of a client’s care plan with two or more parties in order to provide proper, systematic, and sufficient services Care coordination provides a comprehensive solution to care via this integrated care with an interdisciplinary basis Care Coordination Plan Essay Example Paper.

Patient-centered care for severe COPD is a multifaceted endeavor that entails more than a precise diagnosis and therapy. To offer the greatest treatment possible, it asks for an interdisciplinary collaboration amongst health care professionals. In this teamwork, the patient’s objectives are addressed in order to meet their needs. To enhance care quality, it covers both physical and mental needs.


Patient Health Issues


COPD is caused by a variety of factors, including smoking. Smoking destroys lung tissue, the wall of the lung, and the airways, as well as severe flare-ups (Johansson et al., 2019). The lungs have a hard time transporting air in and out as a result of this damage, rendering breathing challenging. By the year 2020, smoking is expected to be the third leading cause of mortality. Mr. N. is concerned about his health because of this. According to the International Journal of COPD, the amount of time spent smoking is linked to higher death risk among these individuals. Nevertheless, there is a great deal of power in altering the natural course of the disease when smoking is stopped (Tashkin, 2021) Care Coordination Plan Essay Example Paper.

Practitioners are frequently refusing to treat people who smoke, claiming that they are accountable for their illnesses. Nonetheless, it is the ethical duty of care professionals to treat all patients with reasonable and fair care (Vremaroiu-Coman et al., 2018). When a patient does not follow through on medical choices that will improve their health, the care coordination unit has the moral obligation of delivering the required services and treatment. According to Tashkin (2021), quitting smoking has a positive impact on COPD patient outcomes. Each healthcare professional has the statutory responsibility to offer the treatment without prejudice, according to the World Medical Association (Vremaroiu-Coman et al., 2018). As such, a smoking cessation strategy is required to go on the path to recovery from an ethical standpoint.

There is a necessity for family participation in a plan to assist my patient. My initial course of action is to have the patient tell his family and friends about his wish to stop smoking. He will also have to write down his grounds for stopping in order to stay motivated to stick to a healthy lifestyle. It is also a good idea to let him know that it is alright to attempt stopping multiple times, even if they fail the first time. In order to prevent secondhand smoking, he will create a smoke-free space in both his house and vehicle and dispose of any ashtrays. If at all feasible, he must select smoke-free eateries and public places. Mr. N will also get medicines for the dependency and to assist with withdrawal effects from his healthcare provider. He will set a date for quitting smoking and aim toward that day to offer a goal-oriented approach Care Coordination Plan Essay Example Paper.

The American Lung Association is a helpful resource that also provides telephone counseling on how to stop smoking. In order to fulfill this responsibility, the MR. N will use this resource and enter a support network. It may seem difficult, but with improved medicines and helpful programs available, quitting smoking is achievable.

Depression and Anxiety

COPD-related anxiety and depression are reported by the patient. He is suffering from a serious health problem. Failing to detect and address anxiety and depression harms such individuals’ physical abilities and social interactions (Li et al., 2019). Exercise routines are necessary for the treatment of anxiety and depression.

In addition, the client will be given antidepressant medications by his healthcare provider (Li et al., 2019). The patient’s treatment and development will be monitored by the care coordinator in conjunction with the doctor on the path to rehabilitation in six months. This strategy reduces depressive symptoms and dyspnea-related impairment. Furthermore, the client will enroll in a pulmonary rehabilitation program to assist with cognitive behavioral therapy (Li et al., 2019). There is an opportunity for recovery if this strategy is followed Care Coordination Plan Essay Example Paper.

Pulmonary Rehabilitation

For patients with COPD, pulmonary rehabilitation is a crucial health intervention. The patient is adequately equipped with information about his lungs and the illness by offering him education and exercise program via pulmonary rehabilitation. Because the approach includes social support, it centers on exercise with less dyspnea and renders it more successful. The client feels better and confident in managing the illness as a result of this information and knowledge. It also allows the client to lead a healthier lifestyle and participate in more physical exercise, allowing them to spend greater time with his family. According to studies, pulmonary rehabilitation reduces the number of doctor’s visits due to flare-ups.

Ethical Decisions in Designing Patient-Centered Health Interventions

The value of ethics in the healthcare provision cannot be overstated. Health professionals should make ethical decisions during the care delivery. The Institute of Medicine defines ethics as the practice of delivering healthcare that is attentive to the needs of clients while complying with ethical standards and principles throughout the care delivery process.  The Nursing Code of Ethics of the American Nurses Association is a key policy guideline that helps nurses in functioning in an ethical manner. Moreover, the care coordination plan should integrate the fundamental ethical principles of beneficence, nonmaleficence, justice, and autonomy. Because of ethical considerations, a health professional might question oneself: does the care provided match the patient’s desires? Is the care coordinated to guarantee the safety of the patient?    Are there any modifications that need to be done to specific ethically acceptable interventions? Would I care for a different client the same way I cared for this one? The answers ought to be subject to the principles of ethics (Steck, 2018) Care Coordination Plan Essay Example Paper.

Policy Implications

In addition to increasing uninsured numbers, the Affordable Care Act makes major advances in improving healthcare (Gaffney et al., 2021). The underprivileged have greater access to healthcare as a result of this policy. This care coordination plan benefits greatly from the policy since it lowers the cost of COPD treatment. It also ensures that treatment is delivered on time, that high-quality care is delivered, and that medicines are readily available. Aside from the Affordable Care Act, there are policies on clean air, healthy workplaces, and tobacco control. This allows the COPD patient to strive toward becoming nicotine-free.


Priorities that a care coordinator would establish when discussing the plan with a patient and family member, making changes based upon evidence-based practice

Shared decision-making, flexible decision-making, and patient-centered care are some of the priorities for the care coordination plan, which includes a variety of other considerations. Following a session with the patient and his family members, a number of concerns were brought to light. In the event that she gets COPD indications afterwards, what should I do?  Where should he workout when it is cold outside?  We have spent a considerable amount of time talking about every issue and working to make changes to our goals. I was successful in equipping the client with evidence-based knowledge. We have planned meetings in order to keep developing and ensuring excellent potential outcomes. This will allow us to assess the care plan, any issues that may develop, as well as our ability to address any problems that may occur Care Coordination Plan Essay Example Paper.

Learning Session Outcomes

To determine what works and what does not, assessment of health interventions is important. Recognizing elements that do not work in public health helps to overcome the imbalance in healthcare delivery. Essential factors for efficient learning use the teaching-back technique to make the patient voice any problems with the plan, to improve his health and prevent the recurrence of COPD symptoms (Consensus Health, 2019). Healthy People 2030 establishes data-driven national goals for improving health and well-being over the next decade. One of the major objectives of Healthy People 2030, in this case, includes respiratory health, which entails reducing deaths from COPD in adults. It offers reliable, timely, and accessible data that may be used to guide targeted activities to improve the health of communities and people who are sick or at risk of becoming sick. A data instrument and paradigm are created and achievable objectives are defined in order to match learning techniques with Healthy People 2030. The subsequent process is to promote health and well-being for individuals of all ages and the communities in which they live by combining public and private initiatives (Healthy People 2030, n.d) Care Coordination Plan Essay Example Paper.


Coordinated care: Key to successful outcomes. (2019). Consensus Health. Retrieved from

Gaffney, A. W., Hawks, L., Bor, D., White, A. C., Woolhandler, S., McCormick, D., & Himmelstein, D. U. (2021). National trends and disparities in health care access and coverage among adults with asthma and COPD. Chest, 159(6), 2173-2182.

Healthy People 2030. (n.d.). Healthy people 2030 framework

Johansson, H., Berterö, C., Berg, K., & Jonasson, L. (2019). To live a life with COPD – the consequences of symptom burden. International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, 14, 905-909.

Li, Z., Liu, S., Wang, L., & Smith, L. (2019). Mind–body exercise for anxiety and depression in COPD patients: A systematic review and meta-analysis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(1), 22.

Steck, Mary Beth,PhD., F.N.P.-B.C. (2018). Decision making. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, 22(4), 386-389.

Tashkin, D. P. (2021). Smoking cessation in COPD: Confronting the challenge. Internal and Emergency Medicine, 16(3), 545-547.

Vremaroiu-Coman, A., Alexescu, T. G., Negrean, V., Milaciu, M. V., Buzoianu, A. D., Ciumărnean, L., & Todea, D. A. (2018). Ethical aspects of smoking cessation among the population from Transylvania. Balneo Research Journal, 9(3), 254-259. Care Coordination Plan Essay Example Paper